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Great Communication with C-IQ - Lead and Communicate with Ease
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome and What to Expect (2:36)
Notice of Proprietary Rights and Ethical Use
The Module 1: Neuorscience of Communication - Chemical Conversations
Lesson 1: Chemical Conversations (11:09)
Lesson 2: The Amygdala Hijack - Priming for Trust (16:52)
Lesson 3: The C-IQ Dashboard - What Impacts Trust & Partnering (9:01)
Lesson 4: Intention vs Impact (8:29)
Lesson 5: Listen to Connect (6:00)
Module 2: The Three Levels of Conversational Intelligence C-IQ
Lesson 1: The 3 Levels of Conversations (9:11)
Lesson 2: 3 Levels Conversational Intelligence Matrix (8:32)
Lesson 3: Level 3 Conversation Questions - Putting it into Practice (1:24)
Module 3: Create, Build, & Sustain T.R.U.S.T.
Lesson 1: How to Build and Lead with Trust - F.O.R.C.E.S and T.R.U.S.T (4:35)
Lesson 2: The Foundations of T.R.U.S.T (12:02)
Lesson 3: T.R.U.S.T Worksheet Exercise (3:09)
Module 4: I-Centric (c) to We-Centric (c) Leadership
Lesson 1: I-Centric vs We-Centric Leadership (14:56)
Lesson 2: Shifting from Power Over to Power With (7:28)
Module 5: Communication Skills for Conflict
Lesson 1: Ladder of Conclusions (12:02)
Lesson 2: Handling Uncomfortable Conversations (12:18)
Lesson 3: 10-10 Partnering Exercise (8:19)
Bonus 1: The 5 Blind Spots
The 5 Blind Spots
Bonus 2: Facilitating Conversations and Meetings - Conversational Agility
Conversational Agility
Meeting Success with Engagement Guidelines and L.E.A.R.N
Conversational Essentials and Architecting Conversations
Lesson 1: Ladder of Conclusions
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